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Slot system

Manage any kind of slots for your inventories, board games and tiled environments.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: infokubarcade, WickedSidereal.


This is an extension made by a community member — but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.

Store content in any kind of slots.


  • Add, count and remove items from slots
  • Check how many slots are filled or empty
  • Set a maximum or unlimited amount of items for every slot
  • Add and remove properties of a slot (weapon category, item class, object weight...)
  • Move a slot content to an other position
  • Sum a property (good for weight system)
  • Sort items using a property value (ascending alphabetical only)
  • Flood system : add items automatically and when they reach the maximum of the slot, they go in the next empty slot
  • Export/Import spaces as JSON


  • 3 systems available (Basic, Named slots and Grid)


Use numbers as slot identifiers to retrieve your informations

Named slots

Use texts as slot identifiers. Very useful when you want to put an item on a specific part of your character.


Use a 2D grid position to retrieve your informations. It uses the basic slot system in a more handy way.


Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.


Add item automatically
Add automatically an item to its slot, or the next empty slot if necessary.

Add named slot
Add a special slot with a name to the space.

Import JSON string
Import a JSON string and convert it in a slot system.

Delete the grid slot
Delete a grid slot from a space.

Delete the named slot
Delete a slot from a space.

Delete the slot
Delete a slot from a space.

Move item on the grid
Move an item from a position to an other on the grid.

Move item from named slot to named slot
Move an item from a named slot to an other.

Move item from named slot to slot
Move an item from a slot to an other.

Move item from slot to named slot
Move an item from a slot to an other.

Move item from slot to slot
Move an item from a slot to an other.

Delete grid slot property
Delete a property content from a grid slot.

Delete named slot property
Delete a property content from a named slot.

Delete slot property
Delete a property content from a slot.

Grid slot count
Change the grid slot count of a space.

Empty the grid slot
Empty the grid slot of the space only. It still exists in the space.

Set an item in a grid slot
Set an item in a grid slot of a space.

Grid slot max count
Change the grid slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.

Grid slot number property
Change the number property of a grid slot.

Grid slot text property
Change the text property of a grid slot.

Set grid slot unlimited
Set the max count of a grid slot to be unlimited.

Named slot count
Change the named slot count of a space.

Empty the named slot
Empty the named slot of the space only. It still exists in the space.

Set an item in a named slot
Set an item in a named slot of a space.

Named slot max count
Change the named slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.

Named slot number property
Change the number property of a named slot.

Named slot text property
Change the text property of a named slot.

Set named slot unlimited
Set the max count of a named slot to be unlimited.

Slot count
Change the slot count of a space.

Empty the slot
Empty the slot of the space only. It still exists in the space.

Set an item in a slot
Set an item in a slot of a space.

Slot max count
Change the slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.

Slot number property
Change the number property of a slot.

Slot text property
Change the text property of a slot.

Set slot unlimited
Set the max count of a slot to be unlimited.

Set grid size
Set the space size using grid dimension.

Set space size
Set the amount of slots in the space.

Sort items by property
Sort items and move them into a new slot order.


Convert grid position to slot index
Compare a slot index of a grid position.

Convert a slot to a grid column index
Compare the column index from a slot.

Convert a slot to a grid row index
Compare the row index from a slot.

Named slot exists
Check if the named slot exists.

The space exists
Check if the space exists.

Filled named slots
Compare the amount of filled named slots of a space.

Filled slots
Compare the amount of filled slots of a space.

First empty slot
Compare First empty slot. Set to -1 if no slot is found.

First item slot
Compare First slot containing a specific item. Set to -1 if no slot is found.

First available slot
Compare First slot containing a specific item that is not full. Set to -1 if no slot is found.

Item at a grid position
Compare the item at grid postion.

Grid slot count
Compare the grid slot count of a space.

Grid slot max count
Compare the grid slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.

The space has empty named slots
Check if the space contains empty named slots.

The space has empty slots
Check if the space contains empty slots.

Grid slot has property
Check if a property is set on a slot.

Named slot has property
Check if a property is set on a named slot.

Slot has property
Check if a property is set on a slot.

Grid slot contains an item
The grid slot contains one or more items.

Grid slot is full
The grid slot is full.

Grid slot is unlimited
Check if the slot has an unlimited count.

Named slot contains an item
The named slot contains one or more items.

Named slot is full
The slot is full.

Named slot is unlimited
Check if the named slot has an unlimited count.

Slot contains an item
The slot contains one or more items.

Slot is full
The slot is full.

Slot position in grid
Check if the slot position is inside the grid boundaries.

Slot is unlimited
Check if the slot has an unlimited count.

The grid exists
Check if the space has a grid.

Named slot count
Compare the named slot count of a space.

Named slot item name
Compare the item name of a slot.

Named slot max count
Compare the named slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.

Slot property count
Compare the property count of a space.

Grid slot number property
Compare the number property of a grid slot.

Named slot number property
Compare the number property of a named slot.

Slot number property
Compare the number property of a slot.

Remaining named slots
Compare the remaining named slots of a space.

Remaining slots
Compare the remaining slots of a space.

Slot count
Compare the slot count of a space.

Slot item name
Compare the item name of a slot.

Slot max count
Compare the slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.

Slot property count
Compare the property count of a space.

Space grid height
Compare the space grid height.

Space grid width
Compare the space grid width.

Space named slot size
Compare how many slots the space has.

Space slot size
Compare how many slots the space has.

Sum of named slot properties
Compare Sum all the values of a slot property.

Sum of slot properties
Compare Sum all the values of a slot property.

Grid slot text property
Compare the text property of a grid slot.

Named slot text property
Compare the text property of a named slot.

Slot text property
Compare the text property of a slot.


Expression Description
SlotSystem::ConvertGridPositionToSlot() Return a slot index of a grid position.
SlotSystem::ConvertSlotToGridColumn() Return the column index from a slot.
SlotSystem::ConvertSlotToGridRow() Return the row index from a slot.
SlotSystem::FilledNamedSlots() Return the amount of filled named slots of a space.
SlotSystem::FilledSlots() Return the amount of filled slots of a space.
SlotSystem::FirstEmptySlot() Return First empty slot. Set to -1 if no slot is found.
SlotSystem::FirstItemSlot() Return First slot containing a specific item. Set to -1 if no slot is found.
SlotSystem::FirstItemSlotAvailable() Return First slot containing a specific item that is not full. Set to -1 if no slot is found.
SlotSystem::GridItemName() Return the item at grid postion.
SlotSystem::GridSlotCount() Return the grid slot count of a space.
SlotSystem::GridSlotMax() Return the grid slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.
SlotSystem::NamedSlotCount() Return the named slot count of a space.
SlotSystem::NamedSlotItemName() Return the item name of a slot.
SlotSystem::NamedSlotMax() Return the named slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.
SlotSystem::NamedSlotPropertyCount() Return the property count of a space.
SlotSystem::NumberOfGridSlotProperty() Return the number property of a grid slot.
SlotSystem::NumberOfNamedSlotProperty() Return the number property of a named slot.
SlotSystem::NumberOfSlotProperty() Return the number property of a slot.
SlotSystem::RemainingNamedSlots() Return the remaining named slots of a space.
SlotSystem::RemainingSlots() Return the remaining slots of a space.
SlotSystem::SlotCount() Return the slot count of a space.
SlotSystem::SlotItemName() Return the item name of a slot.
SlotSystem::SlotMax() Return the slot max count, or 0 if unlimited.
SlotSystem::SlotPropertyCount() Return the property count of a space.
SlotSystem::SpaceGridHeight() Return the space grid height.
SlotSystem::SpaceGridWidth() Return the space grid width.
SlotSystem::SpaceNamedSlotSize() Return how many slots the space has.
SlotSystem::SpaceSlotSize() Return how many slots the space has.
SlotSystem::SumNamedSlotProperty() Return Sum all the values of a slot property.
SlotSystem::SumSlotProperty() Return Sum all the values of a slot property.
SlotSystem::TextOfGridSlotProperty() Return the text property of a grid slot.
SlotSystem::TextOfNamedSlotProperty() Return the text property of a named slot.
SlotSystem::TextOfSlotProperty() Return the text property of a slot.
SlotSystem::ToJSON() Convert a complete space to JSON format.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Slot system extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.