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Noise generator

Generate noise values for procedural generation.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: Add00, VictrisGames, D8H.

Noise can be useful for many procedural generation cases such as:

  • Terrain, top down or side view (open the project online)
  • Object positioning (tree, stars...)
  • Curves (roads, rivers...)
  • Textures (fog, milky way...)
  • Screen shake
  • Many other things

This extension contains expressions to generate Simplex noise values in 1, 2, 3 and 4 dimensions. A "seed" allows to generate the same world again later on instead of having to save the whole generated world.

Version 2.0.0 compatibility break:

  • Seeds doesn't give the same result as with version 1.x.x



Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.


Create a noise generator
Create a noise generator with default settings (frequency = 1, octaves = 1, persistence = 0.5, lacunarity = 2).

Delete a noise generator
Delete a noise generators and loose its settings.

Delete all noise generators
Delete all noise generators and loose their settings.

Noise base frequency
Change the base frequency used for noise generation. A lower frequency will zoom in the noise.

Noise lacunarity
Change the lacunarity used for noise generation. At its default value "2", it doubles the frequency at each octave.

Noise looping period on X
Change the looping period on X used for noise generation. The noise will wrap-around on X.

Noise looping period on Y
Change the looping period on Y used for noise generation. The noise will wrap-around on Y.

Noise octaves
Change the number of octaves used for noise generation. It can be seen as layers of noise with different zoom.

Noise persistence
Change the persistence used for noise generation. At its default value "0.5", it halves the noise amplitude at each octave.

Noise seed
The seed is a number used to generate the random noise. Setting the same seed will result in the same random noise generation. It's for example useful to generate the same world, by saving this seed value and reusing it later to generate again a world.


Expression Description
Noise::Frequency() The base frequency used for noise generation.
Noise::Lacunarity() The lacunarity used for noise generation.
Noise::Noise1d() Generate a number between -1 and 1 from 1 dimensional simplex noise. The "Map" expression from Extended Math extension can be used to map values to any chosen bounds.
Noise::Noise2d() Generate a number between -1 and 1 from 2 dimensional simplex noise. The "Map" expression from Extended Math extension can be used to map values to any chosen bounds.
Noise::Noise3d() Generate a number between -1 and 1 from 3 dimensional simplex noise. The "Map" expression from Extended Math extension can be used to map values to any chosen bounds.
Noise::Noise4d() Generate a number between -1 and 1 from 4 dimensional simplex noise. The "Map" expression from Extended Math extension can be used to map values to any chosen bounds.
Noise::Octaves() The number of octaves used for noise generation.
Noise::Persistence() The persistence used for noise generation.
Noise::Seed() The seed used for noise generation.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Noise generator extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.