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Navigation mesh pathfinding (experimental)

Pathfinding allows to compute an efficient path for objects, avoiding obstacles on the way.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: D8H.


This is an extension made by a community member — but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.

In comparison to the built-in pathfinding behavior, this one aims to:

  • better respect obstacle shapes
  • find paths faster if obstacles don't move

The isometric example shows how to use this extension to move a character to a destination (open the project online).


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Change the animation according to the movement direction.

Behavior actions

Animation name
Change the animation name of the object.

Scale animation according to speed
Change whether the animation is scaled according to speed or not.

Behavior conditions

Animation name
Compare the animation name of the object.

Scale animation according to speed
Check if the animation is scaled according to speed.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.NavMeshPathfindingAnimator::AnimationName() Return the animation name of the object.

Move objects to a target in straight lines while avoiding all objects that are flagged as obstacles.

Behavior actions

Draw navigation mesh
Draw the navigation mesh used for the object.

Change the acceleration of the object.

Angle offset
Change the angle offset of the object.

Rotation speed
Change the rotation speed of the object.

Collision shape
Change the collision shape of the object.

Move to a position
Move the object to a position.

Extra border size
Change the extra border size of the object.

Maximum speed
Change the maximum speed of the object.

Rotate object
Enable or disable the rotation of the object when following its path.

Behavior conditions

Compare the acceleration of the object.

Angle offset
Compare the angle offset of the object.

Rotation speed
Compare the rotation speed of the object.

Collision shape
Compare the collision shape of the object.

Destination reached
Check if the destination was reached.

Extra border size
Compare the extra border size of the object.

Is moving
Check if the object is moving on a path.

Maximum speed
Compare the maximum speed of the object.

Angle of movement on its path
Compare the angle of movement of an object on its path.

Path found
Check if a path has been found.

Rotate object
Check if the object should rotate when following its path.

Speed on the path
Compare the number of waypoints on the path.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::Acceleration() Return the acceleration of the object.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::AngleOffset() Return the angle offset of the object.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::AngularMaxSpeed() Return the rotation speed of the object.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::CollisionShape() Return the collision shape of the object.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::DestinationX() Return the destination X position.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::DestinationY() Return the destination Y position.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::ExtraBorder() Return the extra border size of the object.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::MaxSpeed() Return the maximum speed of the object.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::MovementAngle() Return the angle of movement of an object on its path.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::NextNodeIndex() Return the index of the next waypoint to reach.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::NextNodeX() Return the next waypoint X position.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::NextNodeY() Return the next waypoint Y position.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::NodeCount() Get the number of waypoints on the path.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::NodeX() Return a waypoint X position.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::NodeY() Return a waypoint Y position.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::PreviousNodeX() Return the previous waypoint X position.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::PreviousNodeY() Return the previous waypoint Y position.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingBehavior::Speed() Return the number of waypoints on the path.

Obstacle for navigation mesh pathfinding (experimental)

Flag objects as being an obstacle for pathfinding.

Behavior actions

Area bottom bound
Change the area bottom bound. The bottom bound of the area where objects can go in the scene (default to the game resolution). While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Area left bound
Change the area left bound. The left bound of the area where objects can go in the scene. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Area right bound
Change the area right bound. The right bound of the area where objects can go in the scene (default to the game resolution). While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Area top bound
Change the area top bound. The top bound of the area where objects can go in the scene. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Cell size
Change the cell size for obstacle collision mask rasterization. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Behavior conditions

Area bottom bound
Compare the area bottom bound. The bottom bound of the area where objects can go in the scene (default to the game resolution). While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Area left bound
Compare the area left bound. The left bound of the area where objects can go in the scene. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Area right bound
Compare the area right bound. The right bound of the area where objects can go in the scene (default to the game resolution). While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Area top bound
Compare the area top bound. The top bound of the area where objects can go in the scene. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Cell size
Compare the cell size for obstacle collision mask rasterization. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

Behavior expressions

Expression Description
Object.NavMeshPathfindingObstacleBehavior::AreaBottomBound() Return the area bottom bound. The bottom bound of the area where objects can go in the scene (default to the game resolution). While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingObstacleBehavior::AreaLeftBound() Return the area left bound. The left bound of the area where objects can go in the scene. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingObstacleBehavior::AreaRightBound() Return the area right bound. The right bound of the area where objects can go in the scene (default to the game resolution). While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingObstacleBehavior::AreaTopBound() Return the area top bound. The top bound of the area where objects can go in the scene. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.
Object.NavMeshPathfindingObstacleBehavior::CellSize() Return the cell size for obstacle collision mask rasterization. While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Navigation mesh pathfinding (experimental) extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.