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Ink Dialog Tree

Support for Ink writing system.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: infokubarcade.


This is an extension made by a community member — but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.

Ink is a non-linear writing technique created by Inkle. It helps you to write rich stories where the player can choose where to go. Export your story from Inky (the writing software) and import it directly to GDevelop.

This extension supports all the major features :

  • Load a JSON story
  • Read dialogs and choices
  • Read any tag (global, knot, line and choice)
  • Catch external events and call internal functions
  • Observe variables
  • Save history and snapshot

This extension does not support:

  • Multiple flows (beta)
  • Partial list support



Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.


Activate story history
Set a scene variable for saving the story choice history.

Add parameter for Ink function
Call an internal Ink function set inside the story.

Link story event
Link an external Ink function to the game.

Call Ink function
Call an internal Ink function set inside the story.

Call Ink function with story output
Call an internal Ink function set inside the story and collect value and text output.

Change story chapter
Change the current story chapter.

Change story variable boolean
Change the story variable boolean.

Story variable value
Change the story variable value.

Story variable text
Change the story variable text.

Chapter tags to array
Export the chapter tag list to an array variable.

Choice tags to array
Export the choice tag list to an array variable.

Continue the story
Load the next story line.

Create story snapshot
Create a temporary snapshot of the story.

Current line tags to array
Export the current line tag list to an array variable.

Discard story snapshot
Discard the last snapshot of the story.

Global tags to array
Export the global tag list to an array variable.

Load story state from JSON
Load a previous state of an existing story from a JSON string.

Load story history
Load an already prepared scene variable for saving the story choice history.

Load JSON Story
Create a story from an Ink JSON resource.

Observe a story variable
Activate the observation of any change to the story variable.

Reset story state
Reset the story back to its initial state.

Restore story snapshot
Restore the last snapshot of the story.

Rewind last choice
Come back to the previous state of the story.

Validate a choice
Validate a choice using its Ink index before continuing the story.


Can continue
The story flow can progress.

Chapter tag value
Compare chapter tag.

Chapter tag count
Compare chapter tag count.

Current choices count
Compare current choice count.

Choice tag value
Compare choice tag.

Choice tag count
Compare choice tag count.

Current story chapter
Compare current story chapter.

Current Story Line
Compare the current story line.

Current line tag value
Compare current line tag.

Current line tag count
Compare current line tag count.

Ink function story output
Compare the internal Ink function story output.

Ink function text result
Compare the internal Ink function text value.

Ink function result value
Compare the internal Ink function value.

Event parameter count
Compare the event parameter count.

Event parameter value
Compare the event parameter value.

Event parameter text
Compare the event parameter text.

Global tag value
Compare global tag.

Global tag count
Compare global tag count.

Has ended
The story reached its end.

Chapter has tags
Check if the current story chapter contains tags.

Choice has tags
Check if the choice contains tags.

Current line has tags
Check if the current story line contains tags.

Has global tags
Check if the current story contains global tags.

Event is called
Check if the story event is called by Ink.

Is loaded
Check if the story is already loaded.

Story variable boolean
The story variable boolean is true.

Story variable changed
A story variable observed has changed.

Story variable exists
Check if the story variable exists.

Story variable value
Compare the story variable value.

Story variable text
Compare the story variable text.

Story chapter visit count
Compare the chapter visit count of the story.


Expression Description
InkJS::ChapterTag() Return chapter tag.
InkJS::ChapterTagCount() Return chapter tag count.
InkJS::ChoiceCount() Return current choice count.
InkJS::ChoiceInternalIndex() Get the choice internal index.
InkJS::ChoiceLabel() Get the choice label.
InkJS::ChoiceTag() Return choice tag.
InkJS::ChoiceTagCount() Return choice tag count.
InkJS::CurrentChapter() Return current story chapter.
InkJS::CurrentLine() Return the current story line.
InkJS::CurrentLineTag() Return current line tag.
InkJS::CurrentLineTagCount() Return current line tag count.
InkJS::EvaluateInternalMethodOuput() Return the internal Ink function story output.
InkJS::EvaluateInternalMethodText() Return the internal Ink function text value.
InkJS::EvaluateInternalMethodValue() Return the internal Ink function value.
InkJS::ExternalFunctionParameterCount() Return the event parameter count.
InkJS::ExternalFunctionParameterNumber() Return the event parameter value.
InkJS::ExternalFunctionParameterText() Return the event parameter text.
InkJS::GlobalTag() Return global tag.
InkJS::GlobalTagCount() Return global tag count.
InkJS::ToJSON() Export the current state of the story to a JSON string.
InkJS::VariableNumber() Return the story variable value.
InkJS::VariableText() Return the story variable text.
InkJS::VisitCount() Return the chapter visit count of the story.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Ink Dialog Tree extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.