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Support the complete Gamejolt API.

Authors and contributors to this community extension: infokubarcade.


This is an extension made by a community member — but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.

Support for Gamejolt API.

It features the complete API:

  • Trophies and leaderboards
  • Sessions and server time
  • User connection and friends
  • Data storage
  • Test user

Be careful: most of the actions are Asynchronous !

The request result is stored in a Scene variable of your choice that you can use later.



Learn how to install new extensions by following a step-by-step guide.


Add score to the leaderboard
Add score to the Gamejolt leaderboard.

Add score with label to the leaderboard
Add a labelled score in the leaderboard.

Achieve a trophy
Set that a trophy has been obtained by the player.

Gamejolt authentication
Authenticate Gamejolt user before using the account functionalities.

Check a game session
Check on the server the session status.

Close a game session
Close a game session for the connected user.

Change number
Update a numerical value in the cloud storage.

Change text
Update a text value in the cloud storage.

Fetch stored data
Fetch cloud game data from Gamejolt.

Fetch data keys
Fetch all the data keys.

Fetch the best scores
Fetch the best scores on the leaderboard.

Fetch scores of a user
Fetch user's scores on the leaderboard.

Fetch leaderboard rank
Fetch the score rank in the leaderboard.

Fetch all leaderboard's informations
Fetch all the leaderboard informations (without scores).

Get the server time
Retrieve the server time.

Fetch the user trophies
Fetch trophies informations of the connected user.

Fetch the user trophies (by identifier)
Fetch trophies (by identifier) informations of the connected user.

Fetch user data
Fetch complete user data from Gamejolt.

Fetch user friends
Fetch the connected user friend list.

Open a game session
Open a game session for the connected user.

Register Gamejolt game
Setup a game before using the Gamejolt API.

Remove stored data
Remove cloud game data from Gamejolt.

Remove a trophy
Remove a trophy from the player achievements.

Activate test user
Activate a test user for the Gamejolt API.

Store data
Save game data in the Gamejolt cloud storage.

Change the session status
Change the game session status on the server.


Player is authenticated
Check if the user is authenticated on Gamejolt.

The request is finished
The named request is finished. You can read its content.

Last error message
Compare Error message from the last request.

Last request is successful
Check if the last request is successful.

Request error message
Compare Error message from a specific request.

Request is successful
Check if a specific request is successful.

Session is active
Check if the user session is active.

Is in test mode
Check if the API is in test mode.

User game token
Compare Authenticated user game token used for requests.

Compare Authenticated username used for requests.


Expression Description
GamejoltAPI::LastErrorMessage() Return Error message from the last request.
GamejoltAPI::LastResponse() JSON response from the last request.
GamejoltAPI::RequestErrorMessage() Return Error message from a specific request.
GamejoltAPI::RequestResponse() JSON response from a specific request.
GamejoltAPI::UserToken() Return Authenticated user game token used for requests.
GamejoltAPI::Username() Return Authenticated username used for requests.

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Gamejolt extension, made by the community of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop community-made extensions here.