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Mathematical tools Reference

A set of mathematical functions that can be used in expressions.


Expression Description
AngleBetweenPositions() Compute the angle between two positions (in degrees).
AngleDifference() Difference between two angles
DistanceBetweenPositions() Compute the distance between two positions.
Pi() The number Pi (3.1415...)
Random() Random integer
RandomFloat() Random float
RandomFloatInRange() Random float in range
RandomInRange() Random integer in range
RandomWithStep() Random value in steps
XFromAngleAndDistance() Compute the X position when given an angle and distance relative to the origin (0;0). This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.
YFromAngleAndDistance() Compute the Y position when given an angle and distance relative to the origin (0;0). This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.
abs() Absolute value
acos() Arccosine, return an angle (in radian). ToDeg allows to convert it to degrees.
acosh() Hyperbolic arccosine
asin() Arcsine, return an angle (in radian). ToDeg allows to convert it to degrees.
asinh() Arcsine
atan() Arctangent, return an angle (in radian). ToDeg allows to convert it to degrees.
atan2() 2 argument arctangent (atan2)
atanh() Hyperbolic arctangent
cbrt() Cube root
ceil() Round number up to an integer
ceilTo() Round number up to the Nth decimal place
clamp() Restrict a value to a given range
cos() Cosine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, useToRad: sin(ToRad(45)).
cosh() Hyperbolic cosine
cot() Cotangent of a number
csc() Cosecant of a number
exp() Exponential of a number
floor() Round number down to an integer
floorTo() Round number down to the Nth decimal place
lerp() Linearly interpolate a to b by x
lerpAngle() Linearly interpolates between two angles (in degrees) by taking the shortest direction around the circle.
log() Logarithm
log10() Base-10 logarithm
log2() Base 2 Logarithm
max() Maximum of two numbers
min() Minimum of two numbers
mod() x mod y
normalize() Remap a value between 0 and 1.
nthroot() Nth root of a number
pow() Raise a number to power n
round() Round a number
roundTo() Round a number to the Nth decimal place
sec() Secant
sign() Return the sign of a number (1,-1 or 0)
sin() Sine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, useToRad: sin(ToRad(45)).
sinh() Hyperbolic sine
sqrt() Square root of a number
tan() Tangent of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, useToRad: tan(ToRad(45)).
tanh() Hyperbolic tangent
trunc() Truncate a number

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Mathematical tools feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.