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Dialogue Tree Reference

Handle dialogue trees, made using Yarn Spinner. Useful to make complex dialogues with multiple choices. The Yarn Spinner editor is embedded in GDevelop so you can edit your dialogues without leaving GDevelop. Read more explanations about it.


Clear dialogue state
Clear dialogue state. This resets all dialogue state accumulated by the player choices. Useful when the player is starting a new game.

Complete clipped text scrolling
Complete the clipped text scrolling. Use this action whenever you want to skip scrolling.

Confirm selected Option
Set the selected option as confirmed, which will validate it and go forward to the next node. Use other actions to select options (see "select next option" and "Select previous option").

Go to the next dialogue line
Go to the next dialogue line. Use this to advance to the next dialogue line when the player presses a button.

Load dialogue Tree from a Json File
Load a dialogue data object - Yarn json format, stored in a Json file. Use this command to load all the Dialogue data at the beginning of the game.

Load dialogue Tree from a scene variable
Load a dialogue data object - Yarn json format, stored in a scene variable. Use this command to load all the Dialogue data at the beginning of the game.

Load dialogue state
Load dialogue state. Use this to restore dialogue state, if you have stored in a variable before with the "Save state" action.

Save dialogue state
Save dialogue state. Use this to store the dialogue state into a variable, which can later be used for saving the game. That way player choices can become part of the game save.

Scroll clipped text
Scroll clipped text. Use this with a timer and "get clipped text" when you want to create a typewriter effect. Every time the action runs, a new character appears from the text.

Select next Option
Select next Option (add 1 to selected option number). Use this when the dialogue line is of type "options" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.

Select option by number
Select option by number. Use this when the dialogue line is of type "options" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.

Select previous Option
Select previous Option (subtract 1 from selected option number). Use this when the dialogue line is of type "options" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.

Set dialogue state boolean variable
Set dialogue state boolean variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.

Set dialogue state number variable
Set dialogue state number variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.

Set dialogue state string variable
Set dialogue state string variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.

Start dialogue from branch
Start dialogue from branch. Use this to initiate the dialogue from a specified branch.

Stop running dialogue
Stop the running dialogue. Use this to interrupt dialogue parsing.


Compare dialogue state boolean variable
Compare dialogue state variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.

Compare dialogue state number variable
Compare dialogue state number variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.

Compare dialogue state string variable
Compare dialogue state string variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.

Current dialogue branch contains a tag
Check if the current dialogue branch contains a specific tag. Tags are an alternative useful way to <> to drive game logic with the dialogue data.

Current dialogue branch title
Check if the current dialogue branch title is equal to a string. Use this to trigger game events when the player has visited a specific dialogue branch.

Dialogue has branch
Check if the dialogue has a branch with specified name. Use this to check if a dialogue branch exists in the loaded dialogue data.

Clipped text has completed scrolling
Check if the clipped text scrolling has completed. Use this to prevent the player from going to the next dialogue line before the typing effect has revealed the entire text.

Has selected option changed
Check if a selected option has changed when the current dialogue line type is options. Use this to detect when the player has selected another option, so you can re-draw where the selection arrow is.

Command is called
Check if a specific Command is called. If it is a <>, you can even get the parameter with the CommandParameter expression.

Dialogue line type
Check if the current dialogue line line is one of the three existing types. Use this to set what logic is executed for each type.
The three types are as follows: - text: when displaying dialogue text. - options: when displaying [[branching/options]] for dialogue choices. -command: when <> are triggered by the dialogue data.

Dialogue is running
Check if the dialogue is running. Use this to for things like locking the player movement while speaking with a non player character.

Branch title has been visited
Check if a branch has been visited


Expression Description
DialogueTree::BranchTag() Get a tag of the current branch of the running dialogue via its index
DialogueTree::BranchTags() Get the tags of the current branch of the running dialogue
DialogueTree::BranchText() Get the full raw text of the current branch
DialogueTree::BranchTitle() Get the title of the current branch of the running dialogue
DialogueTree::ClippedLineText() Get dialogue line text clipped by the typewriter effect. Use the "Scroll clipped text" action to control the typewriter effect.
DialogueTree::CommandParameter() Get the parameters of a command call - <>
DialogueTree::CommandParametersCount() Get the number of parameters in the currently passed command
DialogueTree::HorizontalOptionsList() Get the text of all available options from an Options line type as a horizontal list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->
DialogueTree::LineText() Returns the current dialogue line text
DialogueTree::Option() Get the text of an option from an Options line type, using the option's Number. The numbers start from 0.
DialogueTree::OptionsCount() Get the number of options in an options line type
DialogueTree::SelectedOptionIndex() Get the number of the currently selected option. Use this to help you render the option selection marker at the right place.
DialogueTree::TagParameter() Get parameter from a Tag found by the branch contains tag condition
DialogueTree::Variable() Get dialogue state value
DialogueTree::VerticalOptionsList() Get the text of all available options from an Options line type as a vertical list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->
DialogueTree::VisitedBranchTitles() Get a list of all visited branches

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Dialogue Tree feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.